The Trustworthiness of the Bible

Dates: 2/6/25 – 2/27/25
Each Thursday in February

Skeptics say the Bible contains errors. Others claim it excludes the lost books. Join us for the upcoming course which will highlight the inerrancy of the Bible.

Our morning class will be held in person at the Dr. Ephraim Williams Family Life Center (4036 14th Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95820) at 10:00 AM. Our evening session will be hosted on Zoom in the evenings at 6:00 PM. The Zoom information will be sent out upon registration. Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Register by using this link:

Our society is in turmoil. The momentum to deny God and His Word has affected the minds and hearts of the world. In order to transform minds and impact hearts, it is necessary to turn to the word of God. Join us for a special two day conference. The first session will focus on “How to Study the Bible for All it is worth (March 15th). The second session will deal with “Why We Can Trust the Bible (March 22nd). The times for both dates will be 9:00 AM-11:30 AM.

Registration link: